Toby Wallace

Toby Wallace

  Toby has been teaching Yoga and Meditation since 2001. He trained in India and completed his Masters in Yoga in 2006. He specialises in Breath Training, Mind Training and Yoga Therapy, as well as Teacher Training, and Counselling/Mentoring for Personal...
Leanne Cannan

Leanne Cannan

I’ve been practising yoga in many forms for over 30 years and started teaching 4 years ago. My first experiences at teaching led me to try and make Yoga more accessible. This led me to Chair Yoga and Yoga for Seniors. A lot of my students used to practice Yoga...
Denise Davis

Denise Davis

Denise has studied sound therapy in France, United States, United Kingdom and Australia, and has conducted workshops since 1998. Denise also conducts guided imagery and monochord sound sessions, and meridian balancing with tuning forks.Steve is a musician who has...