Jay Gardam

I have always had a passion for learning (my philosophy being – I can’t learn everything, but I’ll die trying), so having been to numerous tertiary institutions, ranging from Law to Arts, Financial Admin to Psychology my passion for knowledge has grown. Around 10 years ago I started to focus my studies more on personal health and fitness and completed my cert III and IV in fitness.

From there, I was still hungry for more, my passion for learning needed to go a little deeper, and it was when I did my first Yoga class, that I realised that is where my own personal development took a deeper turn. I completed my 200hr Teacher training and from there have been fortunate enough to be a part of the Yoga community in Adelaide.

Since completing my teacher training, I have had such a whirlwind of experiences, not just having two amazing studios in Adelaide, but also the opportunity to teach in Europe and work with the amazing organisation Mind Body Online (MBO) as their Mind Body One Champion to also being awarded the prestige award for South Australia for yoga classes.

Having the Personal Training background in me, I strongly enjoy the challenge that yoga can bring to provide the ability to get that great ‘work out’ with that great ‘work in’ where you are still able to connect yourself with the mind, body and br




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