Penny Jenkins

Hi my name is Penny or PJ, and from a young age I have been drawn towards a spiritual way of living and the mind body connection.In 2017 I attended my first Tantrik workshop, which felt like coming home. I continued to explore tantrik living from here, jumping at the opportunity to study Tantrik and Yin Yoga Teacher Training in 2020.I fell in love with yoga the moment my feet connected to the mat in 2018. Since completing teacher training I have continued to live & breathe the yogi system. Therefore I will eternally be a student as well, always wanting to learn and dive deeper.

I feel that everyone has the potential to heal themselves, becoming a healthy cell in a universal body. In my yoga class you will be energetically held as you push through perceived limitations, come face-to-face with moments of self realisation and exploration. In my classes I weave philosophy, etheric inflections, meditation and pranayama practices.

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